Monday, September 3, 2012

Motherhood, Fibromyalgia and Pirates!

Took the girls (daughter and her friend) for a drive on Saturday.  After spending ten days of fun with her pop in NYC I wanted to share some fun time, too.  It's difficult at times for me to be truly active as I try to manage fun and rest.  I have Fibromyalgia and migraines so there is an unpredictablity factor for  the window of opportunity as well as needing to pace myself to avoid a fibro flare.  But being able to enjoy the 'up' time with my daughter is so special to me as not only do I want to enjoy her company but I also want her memories of me to not be just 'the mom with the icepack on the couch'.

So-we took a short trek up Hwy 30 for destinations of Scappoose, St. Helens, and Rainier.  Short trip-but full of nature's beauty!!!  We didn't have an actual plan-just sort of in exploration mode.

At around 1:30 in the afternoon, we became a hungry threesome so stopped at the Burgerville in St. Helens.  "You here for the Pirate Festival?" asked the employee working the drive-up window.  PIRATE FESTIVAL????  Arghhhhh!  You betcha!  With directions secured, we proceeded onward for some pirate fun!

It is an annual event--here's a link for anyone looking for a good time in St. Helens, OR next year:

Oh, the costumes!  The people!  The food!  The gorgeous views of the river!

I especially enjoyed the music:

and the views of the river

The festival took place along the waterfront and in the historic district of St. Helens.  Such a lovely time!  but...........the walking.  With fibromyalgia the muscles in the legs can weaken and be quite painful.  As I am writing this on Monday I am still recovering from the activity.  It can be difficult to find a balance of activity and rest with fibro because I am still trying to figure out how much I can do without getting sicker.  But then......there are some things worth doing!!!! Who could pass up spending a beautiful day near a river...with pirates?!  So, those of us with fibro take our chances and accept the consequences.  I think the trade-off is worth it : )  I know the girls had a wonderful time--seeing them enjoying themselves together is priceless.  And, if I hadn't pushed myself I would have missed out on scenes like this:

The time we spend with our teens in fun helps us to weather the stress and worry that comes with the territory.  This is the much needed balance that we strive for in our family.

mmmm. wonderful visualization for  relaxation!
hope you find the balance and enjoy the beauty of a lighter moment of the day!


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